Since 1992...
PCT Ginseng & Herbs (百昌堂) has provided the best ginseng, herbal dietary supplements, and health products in Los Angeles. Based on thousands of years of practice, traditional Chinese medicine serves as the backbone of our stores' operations.

For over 2000 years, traditional Chinese medicine has been practiced by millions of people to deal with a broad range of ailments. In herbal medicine, over 1500 varieties of medicinal substances are used to concoct tonics and remedies for addressing symptoms and the base problems that cause them.
“一分錢 一 分貨”
Providing the highest quality products has always been our highest objective. "You get what you pay for” has resonated with PCT Ginseng & Herbs in selling the best items to our customers for twenty five years.

Ginseng, first discovered in China in 3000 B.C., has been a prevalent health food revered and consumed by millions of people for centuries. Because of its human body-like shape, ginseng has traditionally been said to help bring harmony and balance to whoever consumes it. In Eastern culture, it is proclaimed that ginseng has many restorative properties. We pride ourselves in supplying the highest quality American Wisconsin farmed and wild, white ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius).